The Art of Business

For 20 years we manufacture and sell clothing for several brand names.

The Art of Business

For 20 years we manufacture and sell clothing for several brand names.

The Art of Business

For 20 years we manufacture and sell clothing for several brand names.

Hi! Welcome to our website.

Djazz Trading C.V. is a worldwide known business for production and sales located in the Netherlands. Our earliest actions began to delineate what then would become our company’s core principles and rules:

  • Every project starts with a dream
  • Always look for opportunities
  • Commitment to quality and excellence
  • Open to connect to everyone everywhere

Living by these rules, Djazz Trading has become the great performing business as you can see it here today.

Our vision

To produce thoughtful, provocative and ambitious products for humans and animals by journeying across boundaries to create uncompromising artistic narratives.

Our mission

We always want to drive towards the next big thing and do the right thing, even when no one is watching.

Our passion

Positive spirit for our core purpose gives us courage to reach beyond our comfort zone to try innovative and unconventional ideas.

Production and sales across the globe

See the circle of our vision and mission

Respect human and animal

Deliver excellence for our customers

‘Creativity is just about connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something they feel a little guilty because they didn’t really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while’.

Steve Jobs

I’m not interested in how people move. I’m interested in what makes them move.

‘The fundamental concept in traditional marketing – meeting the needs of the consumer – does not apply in high art. The artistic product does not exist to fulfill a market need. Its raison d’être is independent of the market, which is what makes it a particular marketing challenge. Instead of seeking to meet the consumers’ needs by offering them a product they desire, the arts manager seeks consumers who are attracted to the product’

Colbert, 2003:31